Using the "Date" dataItem in reports

RobbieXRobbieX Member Posts: 66
Hi there

Rather than add new date variables and fields to the Request Form, I'd like to use the Date dataItem in a new report so that I can select the "period from" and "period to" fields and use these for filtering other dataItems.
Trouble is, I can't seem to work out how to do this.
Can anyone help?
Many thanks.......


  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    Could you tell us exactly what you are trying to do?
  • RobbieXRobbieX Member Posts: 66
    Hi DenSter

    Sorry if I didn't make myself clear enough......
    I am simply making a report.
    However, I want to use date periods/ranges in the report.
    For example, I want to use the Customer dataitem to run through the customer table and then query the Purchase Lines table (using my own rec variable) to get the total value of items on order for that customer.
    (I prefer to do that rather than use the standard Purchase Line dataitem in the report.)
    But I also want to be able to select date ranges if I want.
    To do this, sure, I could use my own "date from" and "date to" variables from the request form to get the date values I want to use, but I thought I may be able to do something different and use the Date dataitem for a change, that's all.
    Does that clarify things a bit for you? :)
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    1) You need to predefine which period can user select (day, week, mont, etc.)
    2) If you need you need to filter starting date to "From.." and ending date to "..To" to get all periods between... (or if you want the period ending or begining in this range you can use Starting date = "" and Ending date = "from..")
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
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    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 925
    If you want to use the date table, it is best to design a new tabular form for it (with all fields inserted) to understand how it can be used. When you see the data it is rather self-explanatory.
    Kai Kowalewski
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    I would probably create a link to the Date table for the user to select a period on the request form, and still go from the Sales Line table. Only I would sort and group the sales line table by customer. It's always much easier to keep everything in one dataitem.
  • RobbieXRobbieX Member Posts: 66
    Thanks everyone!

    Your ideas and suggestions are always useful...
    I will follow your advice.
    Have a good day y'all!
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