Closing income statement and dimensions problem

MrDMrD Member Posts: 12

we have a client that is running a NAV4 system with 8 dimensions. They have been using it for only one year and their fiscal year ends on Sept. 30. The year is closed but they have a problem with closing dimensions by running closing income statement report. Allthough they mark all the dimensions the reversing transactions are created only for some dimensions in the journal. There is no obvious common denominator for closed and skipped dimensions.

Did anybody out there in the wonderfull world of Navision encountered similar problem and how did you solved it?



  • HalMdyHalMdy Member Posts: 429
    Same problem here ...

    Do you receive a solution ?

    Thx & reg
  • HalMdyHalMdy Member Posts: 429
    Thx for reply

    After looking in R94 , I find only this difference, that makes all ! (One new line, in Bold)

    In fct CheckDimPostingRules :
    IF DefaultDim.FIND('-') THEN
    SelectedDim.SETRANGE("Dimension Code",DefaultDim."Dimension Code");
    IF NOT SelectedDim.FIND('-') THEN BEGIN
    IF STRPOS(d,DefaultDim."Dimension Code") < 1 THEN
    d := d + ' ' + FORMAT(DefaultDim."Dimension Code");
    IF PrevAcc <> DefaultDim."No." THEN BEGIN
    PrevAcc := DefaultDim."No.";
    IF s = '' THEN
    s := STRSUBSTNO(Text020,"G/L Account".TABLECAPTION);
    s := s + ' ' + FORMAT(DefaultDim."No.");
    SelectedDim.SETRANGE("Dimension Code");
    UNTIL (DefaultDim.NEXT = 0) OR (STRLEN(s) > MAXSTRLEN(s) - MAXSTRLEN(DefaultDim."No.") - STRLEN(Text021) - 1);
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