on items, i've got dimensions code and dimension value attached. it is set to "same code". e.g dimension code sup, dimension value = abc and value posting = same code
processed purchases invoice for charges and applied them to the item. On posting purchase invoice, i get msg item must have value "abc". It seems strange as dimension value was already set up when item was bought.
any idea how to solve it as it works fine if i remove te value "same code" on item
MVP - Dynamics NAV
thanks for your reply. one issue though. if i'm applying one charge to several items that have different values for one dimension code, how do i call the dimension values. could u elaborate a bit how u customised it.
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Your customization will work fine for Value Entries. However in the G/L Entry there's a problem because you only have one Entry for the Item Charge and it cannot bear dimension values for more than one item.
Do you split the Item Charge entry in the G/L for each assigned item or do you ignore the dimensions related to items in the G/L.
The resulting G/L entries would be as follows:
1. For each posted receipt line there would be a debit to inventory and a credit to the expense account. These entries would carry the dimensions from the posted receipt line.
2. There would be a debit to the purchases account. This would carry any dimensions from the item charge line.
3. A credit to AP. Dimensions from charge header.
I think what you have is a custom rahter than a general solution to the problem.
What worries me is your second entry - debit to purchases account, which does not carry dimensions from the receipt lines.
In our circumstanes the Item Charge is debited to an Inventory account. If the Item Charge entry does not carry the dimensions of the items it relates to you cannot analize the Inventory account by dimensions.
We dicided to add an extra function to split the Item charge in the Purhcase Line once it's been applied.
Can you at least tell wich codeunit did you modified, or in wich function did you made modification.
I have the same situation now, and i am trying to figure out where is that function that gets dimension for journal lines.
Thanks in advice.
MVP - Dynamics NAV
The buffer table is populated from codeunit 90 (also 80). The idea is to insert a record for each unique post to GL you want. Populate "Item Charge Record No." will an increasing integer to estabish a unique record.
I last did this in 5.0 SP1. I don't think 6.0 has changed to much in this area. What I've presented here is by no means the total solution. That's beyond the scope of this forum. But it should get you pointed in the right direction. Whatever you do, my one recommendation is test, test, test. Then test again.
I will test all the time. :idea: