We've just upgraded our lease line from 128kbps to 512kbps between our branch and main office. For the email and file server access to the main office, the speed has increase significantly. For Navision(server located at main office), i noticed that there's not much improvent in term of speed.
Is there anyway that i can speed up the client access from the branch office to the central office? Any suggestion or solutions? and of why is it still slow after the lease line upgrade?
If I properly understand (forgive me if I don't) and you're really working that way, it even surprises me how you can work at all - it must be slow like all hell.
You will not see any improvements even if you get a 2Mbps connection.
Look into Terminal Services or Citrix.
These remote desktop applications will run Navision on a machine located in the main office (where the Navision server is also installed). The user experience will improve dramatically.
Check out www.workthin.com
1) Install Terminal services on one of the Win2k server
2) install Navision client on that server.
3) remote user will do a remote desktop connection to that server and run the Navision client from there.
Is that the correct way to do it?
I thin it is correct (never installed this myself) but keep in mind the following:
1:use a dedicated server with enough memory to be used as terminalserver
2:have a fast network between the terminalserver and the DB-server
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
MVP - Dynamics NAV
For ther terminal services, can i go by application(navision in this case) instead of the server?(instead of seeing the whole desktop, is it possible to see only the application window?)
Use Windows Authentication in Navision and set Navision as the startup program for the Terminal Service users. When users log in, they will be brought right into Navision, and when they close Navision, they will be logged off Terminal Services.
Setup the printers at the remote site as network hosted printers on the main site using IP printing. IP printing will use less bandwith than Terminal Service's printer redirection. I have run a 50 user Navision site over a 256KB frame relay network with this method.
Hop this is helpful.
MVP - Dynamics NAV