
run report at specific time

lreinaxlreinax Member Posts: 34
edited 2002-08-13 in Navision Financials
Hi all,
I want to run a report at certain time.Who can I tell Navision to wait a specific time.
Can I use "sleep" command?

Thanks a lot


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    GufgufGufguf Member Posts: 1
    How about using the "OnTimer" function from a form.
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    lreinaxlreinax Member Posts: 34
    I need to run a report at certain time.is it possible?
    I don´t Know where the "On timer" command is?
    Is it available on 2.0 ver?

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    Rick_TweedleRick_Tweedle Member Posts: 8
    The ontime trigger is availabe in V2.6 onwards.
    Otherwise you could write a routine to which sits all day looking a the time and when it hits your pre-determined time runs the report (this however takes up a client), we use this to import till files sent to the HQ.
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