I have a question about creating companies for the global dimension 1 code (Department) in a customer database.
The global dimension 1 (Department) are the different companies of this customer.
Instead of different companies in the database the customer uses Global dimension 1 code (Department) as filter on every form.
Due to the high maintenance regarding upgrade's the customer wants to split the department's to different companies.
What is the best way to do this?
For example : Is it possible to temporalily change de datapercompany to dataperglobaldimension1 make backup's and import these backup's in the different companies?
MVP - Dynamics NAV
What you are talking about here is a full scale project to split one database into multiple companies, and you're gong to have to think about consolidation and synchronization of various shared data.
I would reconsider going in this direction.
BTW I used to live right around the corner from you Sander, in Krimpen
Think of every new solution from Navision/Solution Partner it has to be altered to work in the database. For example E-VAT, the calculation of the inventory posting.
I also used to live in Krimpen
I'm not saying it's a bad thing to split the companies, I just don't think that you're doing it for the right reasons, if the upgrades are the only ones.
I remember riding my bike over the Algera bridge on my way to school, I must have scaled that thing 2 million times 8-[
If you start splitting apart your ledgers, you'll either have a bunch of gaps in numbering sequences (bad from an audit standpoint), or a bunch of work in renumbering the entries with no guarantees about making the navigate features in Navision work at all again (for the older records). But if you look at the migration as several smaller tasks of exporting and importing into fresh, new companies with no expectation to bring over the history (just beginning balances), then you can effectively get to where you need to be with less headache, in my humble opinion. Then have your customer look into training on setting up the consolidation company if they desire.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Developer