NAV 4.0, ASP and ODBC

kubachojkubachoj Member Posts: 10
I have installed NAV 4.0, NDS, and ODBC
I have script ASP, where i try select some records from Native database.

In Table "Sales Price" are some records, where field Currency_Code is empty.
SELECT Currency_Code, Item_No_, Unit_Price, Starting_Date, Ending_Date, Sales_Type FROM Sales_Price
- in Microsoft Query return some records.
- in script ASP - no records.

Problem is with field "Currency Code" because
SELECT Item_No_, Unit_Price, Starting_Date, Ending_Date, Sales_Type FROM Sales_Price

in both examples return this same records.


  • kubachojkubachoj Member Posts: 10
    No help :cry:
    But another nothice.
    Maybe this is problem with ASP, because this SELECT work good in Microsoft Query and in PHP script (work on IIS) and don't work good on ASP script (on IIS)
    any idea ?
  • MrWhoMrWho Member Posts: 59
    What is NDS?
  • MrWhoMrWho Member Posts: 59
    Perhaps you could help me out? I have installed Navision 4.0 NODBC.dll and added it as a system dsn in Data Sources (odbc). When using it with my C# .NET APPLICATION it works fine -> Insert, Select, Update etc. But when trying to connect to it through an ASPX .NET webpage and calling Open() it just stops there. I have to close the web browser, no error, not anything.
    			TextBox1.Text = "";
    				System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection con = new System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection();
    				con.ConnectionString = "DSN=Navision;Uid=web;Pwd=2005;";				
    				TextBox1.Text = "Open...";
    				TextBox1.Text += "OK!";
    			catch(Exception ex)
    				TextBox1.Text = ex.ToString();

    It never reaches TextBox1.Text = "Open..." -- but if I make some modification to the connection string errors appear.
  • kubachojkubachoj Member Posts: 10
    NDS - Navision Database Server
  • marco.morrealemarco.morreale Member Posts: 58
    I experience the same problem.
  • marco.morrealemarco.morreale Member Posts: 58
    I think there was an error in Navision 4.0.

    I downloaded and installed SP1 and the problem disappeared.

    Marco Morreale
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