Navision and Groupwise

Ufuk_AltinkaynakUfuk_Altinkaynak Member Posts: 2
edited 2002-07-23 in Navision Financials
I found a posting from brucem, saying that he has a dll to send e-mail's without using the groupwise client.
I have sent him an e-mail, but hist last posting was from 2001 so i don't know if i can contact him or not.
So this post here is for the fact that i cant't contact him.

Following Problem:

Follwing smaple VB6 code will start a Novell Groupwise session and will log into Groupwise, gets some other objects for later use and finaly will bring the account owner name into Text1.Text.

Set objApp = CreateObject("NovellGroupWareSession")
Set objAccount = objApp.Login("", "")
Set objRootFolder = objAccount.RootFolder
Set objAddressBook = objAccount.SystemAddressBook
Set objAddressBookEntries = objAddressBook.AddressBookEntries
Text1.Text = objAccount.Owner.DisplayName

So this code for me is clear.
I want to do the same using the Navision Automation objects.
But the beginnig is my problem, i don't know how handle that in Navision.

To define the automation objects in Navision is not the problem, but i don't how to pass the values.

It would be great if anyone here can give me a push to the right direction, to handle the rest myself.

Finding some start code ore get some help for my project would be great.

Ufuk Altinkaynak
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