BA Configurator error

fciprianofcipriano Member Posts: 26
I try to run the configurator but they give me the folowing error
Business Analytics for Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision 4.0
Package failed because Step 'DTSStep_DTSTask_DTSDataPumpTask_1' failed.

Anyone can help me??



  • balvesbalves Member Posts: 5
    You need to go to - Start>Programs>SQLServer>Microsoft SQL Server>Enterprise Manager and them select - Data Transformation Services>Local Packages select the packages in de right side whit the right button mouse and select Packages Logs... and try to find de red X.
    Then you can read details of that error and anderstand the causes.
    But I can say you this error is relaed to the definition of the cube, the cube is not well constructed :?
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