
How to pass parameters from MenuSuite to opened form

azwierzchowskiazwierzchowski Member Posts: 15
edited 2005-10-11 in NAV Tips & Tricks
In menusuite user can create hyperlink, and send form to menusuite as links. But creating links in MenuSuite designer is impossible. Fortunatelly editing hyperlinks works, so you can export MenuSuite to text file, add hyperlink here, and import it back to Navision. Then you edit change hyperlink in MenuSuite designer.
When form is opened from this menu item, it fires OnHyperlink trigger, so you can modify hyperlink, and decide what to do in this trigger (for example apply filters, init variables...)

The only problem is that import treats // as comment and imports next line as next part of Hyperlink, so before import you must change // to something else (for example / /), and after impord edit menusuite in designer and change it back to //

And here is my example of MenuSuite (with "navision://client" changed to "navision:/ /client"):

OBJECT MenuSuite 80 Partner
Version List=;
{ ;[{DF601C8A-07F7-4841-8929-9F2065BCB302}] ;NextNodeID=[{3AB30C12-4A41-4E75-B517-C5C7AA83C60D}] }
{ MenuShortcut ;[{3AB30C12-4A41-4E75-B517-C5C7AA83C60D}] ;Name=Link Test;
CaptionML=PLK=Link Test;
ShortcutURL=navision:/ /client/run?target=Form%2016%26MYVARIABLE=123;
Visible=Yes }

It will open form 16 and fire OnHyperlink trigger with URL = [url=navision://client/run?target=Form%2016%26MYVARIABLE=123]navision://client/run?target=Form%2016%26MYVARIABLE=123[/url]
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