Business Analytics 4.00 License

SaalekSaalek Member Posts: 181

Anyone knows how can I purchase Business Analytics License ??
When I open BA, I have Evaluate - Register windows. If I click Register,
an IE Windows opens linking to Targit partners.I must contact with Targit or with Microsoft ??

Anyones knows wath are the diferences between Basic and Advance BA server ?? I installed the two versions, but I haven't got the license file

I sended a Mail to Microsoft (last month) but no response.

And Finaly. The final version of BA, when ??



  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    What is it "Final Version of BA"? I do not know any non-final version...

    And about the licenses... Basic and Advance: Basic is only configurator for creating cubes on MS SQL Analysis services, and this cube is accessible with any tools which support MS SQL AS (excel etc.). Advance BA includes BA client from Targit and IIS client from Targit.

    For the basic version, you need granules from MS, for Advance I do not know exactly - I assume that you need MS granule for the basic part (creating the cube) and from Targit for the rest, but may be that MS have some agreement with Targit that it can sell the license...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • SaalekSaalek Member Posts: 181
    Thanks for your reply.

    The final Version I mentioned, is the version included if SP 1 ( I think in SP1, the business analytics is added).

    About the licences, thank for your response. That is I needed. My problem is that my Microsoft contact, doesn't know anything about BA.

  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    I am not sure about the license, I contacted MS and if I will have official info I will post it there...

    The BA is released for 4.00 and it does not matter if you have SP1. With SP1 Employee portal was released... (connection to the SharePoint services)
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • DEDEDEDE Member Posts: 15
    Business Analytics Basic and Advanced are both granules of the Navision license. Therefore, your Navision license need to have these granules added in order to run BA.

    You refer to/set up the license when selecting "Configure Business Analytics Advanced" from the BA CD image...
  • SaalekSaalek Member Posts: 181
    A question
    Have Anyone configured Business Analytics Advanced license for a Customer ??
    Our Microsoft Salesperson says that isn't available at this moment, but they have added the granule in License file (In my case is Basic granule 7020).

    With this license, I create cubes in Navision and I can launch the configurator.

    But when I launch BA Client (I say this option is only available in Advanced Version, but I need full version without limitations), tipical Software registration windows appears (with evaluate and register buttons). Anyone has bougth this license ? How ?

    Thank a lot

    P.D.: Sorry if I ask the same thing but I need that information and Microsoft doen't answer it.
  • Gavin_SmithGavin_Smith Member Posts: 10
    First install the basic version of the BA Server and once everything has worked i.e. your cube has been buil in MS SQL Analysis Services and can be viewed in Excel, then isntall the advanced Server option, once installed then run the configure advanced server option, this will prompt you to point BA to your Navision licence (fin.flf). Once this has been done correctly then the licence key message in the BA front end disappears
  • SaalekSaalek Member Posts: 181
    Thanks a lot Gavin

    That is I'm lookin for. =D>
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