Cannot delete Corrupted Table.

AduxAdux Member Posts: 14

Navision Native Server

I found corrupted data in table in our client database.
I've restored this table from backup.
Some data was lost, but it is Ok.
Old corrupted Table was renamed to 99999

It is not possible to delete data from corrupted Table.
DELETEALL - is not working.
INSERT - not working
DELETE - not working even on good records
Disabling keys - not possible
The only thing is possible - MODIFY on good (not corrupted) records.
And the main problem is that it is NOT possible to make backup (FBK).

Do you have any ideas (tools) to delete this corrupted table.....


  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Microsoft has the tool for it, but I am afraid that it is not for free...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • jmjm Member Posts: 156

    the tool is called C/DART.

    It will be used only by MBS-Support personnel.

    You have to contact your NSC (Navision Solution Center) which will contact his NTR (Navision Territorial Representative) to send a MBS-Support assistant to you.

    And you have to sign a absorption of costs.

    Josef Metz
    Josef Metz
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    Are you sure it's not because the restore didn't complete? I've seen weird things happen with that. What you may want to try it to test relationships in your source database and create a new backup. Then wipe out the one you're working on a recreate it with the new backup.
  • tonijaumetonijaume Member Posts: 2

    I think there is an easiest way to do that, just try creating a form over the table Object (system table which contain the information about all the objects in the database), after that filter by Type = TableData and Id.=99999, and delete all the registers (one per company). It must finish with your problem.

    Best Regards
    Toni Jaume
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