Export account schedule layout to excel

franklin1232franklin1232 Member Posts: 35
I have a dimension called department. Each of our stores is a department. When we print the account schedule we pick a range of department numbers. Each department account schedule report needs to print and staple. Our current solution is to use one report to open a second report for each department in the range. This is a slow process since each of the department report is open, printed, closed, and repopen. We have 87 stores. I was thinking of using Jet reports or Crystal reports to export the data, but I was hoping someone already has this feature since the other options will take time to program that I don't have.


  • DakkonDakkon Member Posts: 192
    Jet Reports would be a good option for this. You would be surprised how quickly you can put together a Jet report to pull this data. Depending on your data it may take a little bit to run of course.
    Thad Ryker
    I traded my sanity for a railgun :mrgreen:
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    Crystal works great for us - you can group by your department dimension very easily
  • hansfouserthansfousert Member Posts: 46
    We use Jet Reports frequently for reports with dimensions. Easy to use, and fast to develop. It has special advanced dimension filters, which allow you to create functions as if all dimensions are global dimensions - and not just the ones you setup in GL setup.
    Kind regards,

    Hans Fousert
    Microsoft Certified Trainer and Jet Reports Certified Trainer
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