Where can I find this differences? .. I have done some reports on navision 3.70 W1 and when I have try them on 3.70 dk they act strange..
It's about some VAT Reports...Can you tell me what are the functional differences or what objects are changed.. (i don't have this version right now..)..
If you want to do a quick compare you can export both files to text format and use beyond compare to see the differences.
Other than that, take a look at the version list and figure out what they used for the localization tag. For instance, the American tag is US, so I would filter the version list on *US* to see all localized objects. If I were to guess the Danish one is *DK*, but that's purely a guess.
<edit>sorry Mark, I just dug the sand out of my eyes and saw that you had given the same advice.... </edit>
Never mind
Good morning!