

alikzanderalikzander Member Posts: 11
edited 2002-07-11 in Navision Financials
Does anybody know if I can use a blob object to store the results of filtering a table? I'd like, if it's possible, some example code. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/smiles/icon_wink.gif" />
Thank you.
Regards from Valladolid.


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    ivorivor Member Posts: 2

    I Suppose you want the content of the record(s) in the BLOB file?

    then you have to make a text file with the contents of REC.

    fFile.WRITE( FORMAT( recArt ) )
    UNTIL recArt.NEXT = 0

    Then you have te import the text file into the BLOB.

    When you want to show the content, you have to export the BLOB, use CALCFIELDS( Blob ) and Blob.Export, and open in for instance Notepad
    gr. Ivor
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    PrebenRasmussenPrebenRasmussen Member Posts: 137
    Nice try Ivor, but Format(rec) will not work, if the total length of the record is above 1K.
    At present you would have to hardcode the extract of fields.
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