Java / JVM / Navision

ml1ml1 Member Posts: 9
Hi All,
has Anbody tried to connect Java with a Navision Database, without JDBC and the C/ODBC Driver? I think on a native JVM implementation of the C/FRONT Driver.
Has Anbody knowlege about such a product?



  • ml1ml1 Member Posts: 9
    Since nobody has answered, i will refine my question.
    1. Does it mean their is no need for such a solution (JAVA<->FDB)?
    2. Or is nothing comparable availabel in the market?

    For the first case, i will kick my approach and get quiet.

  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    why don't you want to use JDBC?
    connect to Navision Native database using the IDS Software JDBC ODBC Bridge. Normally, it works that way:

    String url = "jdbc:ids://" + IP + ":" + Port + "/conn?dsn='" + DBName + "'&uid='" + User + "'&pwd='" + Password + "'";
    Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, sUser, sPassword);
  • ml1ml1 Member Posts: 9
    Hello Harry,

    thanks for your answer. It shows me, that only standard ways exists. I'll try to explain my problems and ideas.

    JDBC is a good approach, but:
    1. JDBC is a layer on a layer. In the backround there must be the normal C/ODBC and the JAVA/ODBC-Brige installed, or something else?
    2. For BusinessIntelligence Systems we need the data very fast from the System. There is no need for the standard SQL-Syntax. The transformations and mappings are made inside a Stage-Area(RDBMS).
    3. We need not only one Company.
    4. It should be possible to change the underlying codepage(Czechia, France, Germany), at runtime.

    We have a customer were we tried to get the data out with the normal C/ODBC Driver(Navision 3.6). To the "strong" performance, we build a C/FRONT Mapper(VB). This was much better, but VB is a layer on a layer(like point 1.).
    Now the idea is/was to build a native JVM-implementation on the C/FRONT DLL, with a small subset of functions and methods, which handels the points 2 to 4. First tests showing we are on the right way. The performance is around 16 times faster, as our C/FRONT Mapper. And in my opinion, JAVA is a nice and (sometimes) an easy language.
    My first question was only a try getting a small feedback, if we are alone with our problems(Points 2 to 4).

  • ml1ml1 Member Posts: 9
    Hi all,

    it's a long time ago that i asked the question about the integration between JAVA and Attain.
    In my case i got no solution. This leds to an own implementation of such component and is now ready for testing.
    If anybody is interested(testing), let me know. I think many problems like XML, EDI or Writebacks can be now implemented/developed(easy).

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