Hello community,
I have a question about creating a dataport, I didn´t find anything related to my problem in the forum.search.
I have a .csv file from excel with 3 columns and I want to
import the data from the 3 columns in the first three colums from the customer-table.
I created a dataport with data-item "customer", I set the separation to ;
but, when I start the port, nothing happens. I can only CANCEL the port.
can someone with more experience help me ?
Thanks very much.
best regards,
I don´t need any signatures...
yes, the fields were set, but the marker "enable" was not set, that was the problem. Now it works, but
I have another question,
now i imported the 3 columns in the customer-table, and I want to give every imported record a "primary contact no." automatically from the defined no.series .
How can I do this ?
I tried
in the Customer - OnAfterImportRecord()
but I get a error-message "customer ..... already exists" (..... = number from the no.series)
what can I also try ?
thanks a lot.
I don´t need any signatures...
This is the No. field
Look at the OnInsert trigger of the Customer Table.
no, i want to give every imported customer a primary contact no.
(field no. 5049 in the customer table) automatically.
the primary key is the no. , that´s clear.
I don´t need any signatures...
ok I see, I must choose another way, no problem..
But, now I have a problem with the no. series for the customer-no.
I defined a no. series for customer, and I imported some customes by dataport. But now i want to create a customer manually. Navision reported an error, that the no. 10002 (a no. from the series, but used by the import) already exists.
How can I tell the system to take a new, not used number from the series.
( I know a löot of questions today, but i am a bloody beginner..;-) )
I don´t need any signatures...
If you enter a customer number before the insert the numberseries will not be triggered.
Will insert a customer with the number AAA
You need ofcourse to make some fuction to create a number yourself because you cannot create more than one customer AAA.
You can also include the "No." in the dataport fields.
and i have a csv table liek this:
and I start the import, I have customers with this no. in the table,
but when I create a customer manually with numbers from the no.series.
Then I get the message, that the customer-no. 10000 already exists.
so how can I manage it, that when I create a customer manually, the number 10003 will be taken ?
(because 10000 - 10002 is already used by the customers I imported)
I don´t need any signatures...
If you go to the numberseries of the customer (Via Sales & Receivables Setup) you see there a field Last No. Used (or something like that)
You should set this to 10002. This means the next no. is 10003.
ah yes, that´s the right thing, thanks,
can I set the field "last no. used" automatically to the last used no from the customer tabel, or must I set the no manually ?
I don´t need any signatures...
I imported the 2 customers by dataport (no. 10000 - 10002)
and then i want to create a customer by customer-card,
but the counter "last no used" is still on 10000
so when i create a new customer, nav. tell me that the no. 10000 is already used..
I don´t need any signatures...
You can also still make the dataport use the no. series, then you won't have to go through all this trouble.
thanks a lot,
I think for our work it´s ok to do it manually because it is a dataport,
which will be only used one time to import customers from another database.
Thanks for your help.
I don´t need any signatures...
For Example#1: (Creating a number that's always differnet)
I import Vendor credits once a month into the Gen Journal Line.
So the day isn't important for me
So each "Document No" I need to have different for every vendor for every month and I wanted to auto generate the #.
VenNo := "Account No.";
MonthName := FORMAT(TODAY,0,'<Month Text,3><Year>');
"Document No." := VenNo+'-'+MonthName;
So a credit for Feb 2006 for vendor 111131
the "Document No."would look like
This can be shortend but I wanted it to be clear
For Example #2 (creating a running #)
Lets say I wanted to count the number of credits
CreditCount := 0;
CreditCount := CreditCount + 1;
This is a very easy way of creating a number increment using imported data.
You can get creative depening on your needs. Hope those two examples can help you get the ball rolling. I'm sure everyone has their own favorite way. I hope everyone posts their's. Could get interesting.
Here's a download you can play around with
Dataport Generator v1.1
What are you trying to fill?
Another example is we receive internet orders that we fill. The orders are imported into Navision thru a dataport. The order numbers sent to us are always different so we decided to keep those internet order numbers as our order #'s, we just added a INT to the beginning of it Just to be sure they don't clash with our own internal order numbers. (INT1234567) the dataport code takes care of that too.