ZUP file - settings lost after FOB-update

RickSRickS Member Posts: 2
After reading the posted subjects about the ZUP file; I still have a problem: our customers/users (MBS Navision 3.70) have make changes in forms (columns etc.). That is saved in the ZUP file.
When we provide our users a update by a FOB, all settings wich are saved in the ZUP file for each user are lost and the users can again change setting. The FOB mostly dous not affect the forms, which have been changed bij the user. Is there any way to keep all changes in the ZUP file? After starting fin.exe; the program will check changes, can this be modified? For instance if large update, than start with an ''empty zup'', if small update, keep the ZUP file as it is? Now the customers like to get updates, but hate the negative effect of losing all settings.

I hope someone can help me (and the appr. 300 users)


  • ajhvdbajhvdb Member Posts: 672
    No, to my knowledge when an object is compiled, you loose the settings in the zup-file. But thinking about it.. maybe you can write down the date/time of the object before compiling and after compiling reset the date and time? Never tried it.
  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    I do not think it is possible, and navision is I think not looking at the date/time but into the object itself (BLOB reference) :(

    But IF you suceed you will make thousands of Navision users worldwilde very happy. :D

    Of course the zup file thing will probably dissapear in the future with one of the comming Dynamics releases :wink:
  • Timo_LässerTimo_Lässer Member Posts: 481
    Of course the zup file thing will probably dissapear in the future with one of the comming Dynamics releases :wink:
    Sounds very interesting!
    From where did you get such an information?
    In this case, I ask myself, how / where the "zup-informations" will be stored? E. g. Windows Registry?
    Timo Lässer
    Microsoft Dynamics NAV Developer since 1997
    MSDynamics.de - German Microsoft Dynamics Community - member of [clip]
  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    I am sorry. I see now that it seems that I know of information, which is not true.

    It is only something that I assume, based on the information I've heard about the upcomming releases and the product strategy roadmap.

    The zup file is a navision specific thing, and I think that axapta/great plains and solomon all use their own ways of storing this data.

    If you look at Axapta, users can also change the looks of card forms.

    If you look at the menusuite, information is stored in the Navision database instead of in the zupfile (See also my download about user settings).

    So I am only assuming that in the future userinformation will be stored differently.

    I think storing the information in the database, like the menusuite, is better, because of users working on different workstations, which also can be done by placing the zupfile on the network off course.

    Again, I am sorry for the misunderstanding. It is not a fact, only a brainstorm thing.
  • pdjpdj Member Posts: 643
    Our users also complain about this very often. I have considered making a table with informtion about which columns to show and hide and use it in OnOpenForm and OnCloseForm. But unfortunatly is it not possible to access controls dynamic so it would require some hardcoding for each form. I guess we need some sort of FieldRef (or more likely: ControlRef) to make a good solution.
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    I will be happy too, if it will be done in another way. But I thing that better is to do all default as user need it and than you will have no problems with this. (of course, some users need something in this way, some in another...) but why not do it by C/AL?) - of course, it means work, but... :-)
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
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