I am reporting off a single table, the G/L Entry table. My body contains debit and credit entries, which are grouped by Document No. and totaled in a Group Footer.
If the group footer total = 0 for the document, meaning the debit and credit entries offset for that document, I want to suppress the G/L Entry Body section and the group footer. If the group footer total <> 0 I want to show the body detail and the group footer.
It's simple to suppress the Group Footer. Is there a way to also suppress the Body based on the group footer total?
Define a variable gl as Record to "G/L Entry"
// set all the filters for having all records of the group
if gl.find('-') then repeat
// if necessary .. gl.calcfields(field)
sum := sum + field;
until gl.next = 0;
if sum = 0 then CurrReport.Showoutput(false)