Navision Application Server - SQL Server Issue

CtrlShiftF11CtrlShiftF11 Member Posts: 29
I am very close to being able to start the SQL Server version of the Navision Application Server. The only problem that I can't seem to solve is the company parameter. We have periods, spaces and a comma within our Company Name. I've tried to use underscore characters in place of these but the Application Server error reads that the company does not exist.



  • CtrlShiftF11CtrlShiftF11 Member Posts: 29
    I figured this one out.
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    2 small remarks:

    1) put [SOLVED] in the title. See also

    2) Post also a reply on how you solved it. This can help others that have the same problem.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • CtrlShiftF11CtrlShiftF11 Member Posts: 29
    Initially, I thought that I would have to use the underscore character in place of periods and perhaps spaces and commas. However, this was not the case as all I needed to do was enclose the normal company name in double quotes on the command line...

    company="Some Co., Inc."
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