I am using Navision 3.7. I want to know, is there a way where we can have the customer and vendor masters common across all the companies in a database. I mean, if we create a customer code in one company and it would be available throughout all the other companies. This is required bcos the customers and vendors are common across the group and we can avoid duplication of the same. And also the same codes can be used in all the companies. The master codes are generated at our head office. Pls suggest........
Thanks in advance.
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I wouldn't suggest change the datapercompany to no.
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
I also read some strong view from DenSter against setting DataPerCompany to no.
I understand at least one reason: All the references the copied record makes to other tables (business posting group, payment terms...) must also exist in the target company.
But is there anything else?
In my case, I would like to share the item master table, and the following holds true:
_ All fields of an item have the same value for the two companies (except, of course, for the flow fields)
_ All tables the item table refers to (UOM, inventory posting group...) also have the same values in both company, and I could actually make them shared as well
This being verified, would you still recommend forgetting about the DataPerCompany property?
I had the similar situation one long back. I did the following:
Wrote a routine, when a CoA or Customer or Vendor or Item is created in one company, the data is replicated in all another companies.
The same routine is used (using NAS) to check the data is same across all the companies. NAS runs once a day (night). If there is any distrubance, routine create a Log.
All the best,
As I have said many times before, you really need to think it through before you start messing around with the DataPreCompany property. In my opinion it is NOT worth it. Create a 'global' copy of the master tables and write functionality to copy from them. This way you have a set of master data that you can share, and all companies have some control as to the details.
Thank you for confirming what the problem is.
One condition for setting DataPerCompany to No would therefore be that one single company has ownership (maintenance rights) on the table, while the other(s) may only query/refer to its information.
This is pretty much the situation I have at hand with Item Master, except for:
_ Planning parameters
_ Unit cost and Last Direct Cost
... which could be takled by using SKUs...
All things considered, and as intriguing this feature is, it may effectively not be worth playing sorcerer apprentice. I'll confine my live experiments to system tables such as Manufacturer code and Product group code.
Frederic _