Targit BA cannot connect to Analysis Service Cube

mihai.valceamihai.valcea Member Posts: 95

I want to use the cube configured on Navision Business Analytics module and processed on Business Analytics from TARGIT - this tool is provided as analysis reference by Microsoft.

I downloaded the pack from Microsoft Site that contain some Navision objects related to BA and BA configurator (ANT server too) and I installed all and on demo mode are ok.

I do not know how to set up the Analysis and System Connection strings in order to acces the cube from Microsoft Analysis Service - the one created by Navision.

Following are the connectioon string like I use to connect:

Provider=MSOLAP.2;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;User
ID=sa;Data Source=mihaiv;Initial Catalog=BA for MBS Navision 400;Client Cache Size=25;Auto Synch Period=10000

Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password="";Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=BA for MBS - Navision 400;Data Source=MIHAIV

I don't know what is wrong. The Targit company do not provide any tutorial for this problem.



  • SaalekSaalek Member Posts: 181

    I write my configuration


    Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=Navision Demo Database (4-0);Data Source=TESTNAVISION


    Provider=MSOLAP;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=BA for MBS Navision 400;Client Cache Size=25;Auto Synch Period=10000

    In your configuration, if you use Integrated Security=SSPI, you don't need UserID
    An d you must have 2 diferent Databases. In analisys The database created to have temporal data, and in System, your Navision SQL Database (in my case, Navision Demo database (4-0))

  • mihai.valceamihai.valcea Member Posts: 95
    Thanks for replay.

    The problem is that on SYSTEM if I use integrated security it cannot create the SYSTEM TABLES.
    If I put the SA user then when try to use the BA tool it tells me that "Windows system cannot find the network path......."

    Maybe is anything else problem.

  • mihai.valceamihai.valcea Member Posts: 95
    And is annoying to restart computer after each modification to ANT server configuration.
  • SaalekSaalek Member Posts: 181
    I tried to reproduce the error but nothing, I can't reproduce it. :cry:

    About restar the computer, is not necesary. If you restart ANTSERVER service (I recommend restart MSSQL), you don't need restart it.

  • mihai.valceamihai.valcea Member Posts: 95
    Finally, I solved the problem.
    The ANT Server and Daemon use a special created user to start.
    The server started normally with this user but the application was denied to use the server.

    I had to change the user for starting the server and now is ok.

  • DEDEDEDE Member Posts: 15
    I can offer a little additional information - and the reason this problem arises ;-)

    You could actually have obtained the same result by running "Configure Business Analytics Advanced" from the BA CD image! When doing this, the special service user you mentioned will be added to the BA databases, allowing the ANTServer and ANTDaemon services to access the databases...

    The reason that you need to either change the user for the services (to e.g. Local System) or run "Configure Business Analytics Advanced" is that rebuilding the cubes from Navision will delete the existing databases and create new databases, which cannot be accessed by the service user by default!
  • Iqbal_FebrianoIqbal_Febriano Member Posts: 66
    I also having trouble to connect to analysis service cube. When I tried to log on BA, I got the following error

    "The network connection aborted by the local system"

    Any ideas ? :?:

    Thanx in advance
    Be fast, be straight, be quiet
  • mihai.valceamihai.valcea Member Posts: 95
    The solution is to start the ANT server and daemon with an authorised user not standard BA user that is created by apllication on install.
  • Iqbal_FebrianoIqbal_Febriano Member Posts: 66
    Thanx Mihai. It works
    Be fast, be straight, be quiet
  • b2b_Vijayb2b_Vijay Member Posts: 76
    Thanx for the information on this posting. It was worth.

    Thanx a ton...

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