first of all i have to say i am not the best in english but i hope its enought for here.
Actually i am on a Problem where i didn't find anything here on mibuso to fix.
I did download a nice Calendar-Tool here on mibuso created by Steve Florko SF1.0,1.1,1.2, really a goot tool. I did modify it as i needed. Now i have the following Problem within Navision 4.0:
In an Subform i have this code
DAY6 - OnActivate()
and this is the funktion in the Mainform
Termin_holen(Termin_übergabe : Date)
Termin := Termin_übergabe;
Message was just to show me if i got the Date i needed.
I used this constellation to get a Date for an Textbox i "activate" on the Subform into a Variable in the Mainform. No Problem until here but now i have to "Update" the Textbox that should show the Variable after the "activation" in the Subform.
I did try
but didn't update the textbox so i tried
and got this Message i can't really handle.
Der Typ 'UNDEF' wurde nicht für die Funktion definiert.
The Type 'UNDEF' is not defined for this Funktion.
I know i didn't use the charakters UNDEF in such a constellation so it must be Navision natural Error-Message but i didn't find anything in Help or here on mibuso.
I also tried it in the other way i called a Funktion included orginal in the Subform that should reply the Date but i didn't work.
After aktivation the funktion didn't have the Date i seected.
I would be really glad if anyone now someting about the Error or have another idea how to do it. Thanks for all Help
I closed the windows (not Navision) and reopend them and all works fine.
I think this could be an error in the fin.exe and hope they correct it in SP1.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Developer since 1997
MSDynamics.de - German Microsoft Dynamics Community - member of [clip]
Hmm now i did 3 things.
First: I closed all Windows in Navision and reopened my Window but Error still there.
Second: I closed the Database and reopened but Error still there.
Third: I closed the whole Navision and reopened but Error still there.
Now i will try to restart my OS but i don't think it will work after i did.
But anyway thanks to ur fast response Timo.
No it still not work.
Any other idea what i can do ? :-k
I could solve this Problem otherwise if i would know how i can make an Insert/Delete just after the activation of a Textbox but as far as i read in this Forum it's not possible to do it as long as u are inside Code that is triggered from OnActivate and after its to late to Insert/Delete.
Maybe there is a variable or function not 100% completed somewhere.
Have you tried reproducing the error on a new form?