Please help with Data exchange RBC ACH94 Amount format issues


A client is on NAV 2018 and we are setting up Data Exchange Definitions for ACH94 for RBC (Canadian) and the amount format must be as follows:

No thousand separator or decimal point and if the cents are zero, it should still show 00

Example : 20,000.00 should be shown as 2000000
Example : 210,150.23 should be shown as 21015023

I tried using Text in the column data type but that fails and leaving it as decimal, creates the export with thousand separators and decimal points, so i tried
<Integer><Decimals><Sign,1> but I the behavior when there are zero cents, causes the 00 to drop :
20,000.00 shows as 20000 (instead of showing 00 cents)

No idea why the idea is sold to a customer that it is a self service setup..

Best Answer

  • vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,150
    edited 2025-01-23 Answer ✓
    Multiply your amount with 100 and use '<Integer><Sign,1>'
    <Decimals> always includes the decimal separator if any digits are displayed. You could force two digits with <Precision,2:2>

    Another approach was to use <Standard Format,4> as parameter to a call to format within a call to DelChar, deleting the decimal separator (assuming Standard Format 4 for you is the same as listed for US im Microsoft's documentation for the format property (in cside.chm) or wherever they put it in their new documentation on the web).
    DelChar(Format(Amount,0,'<Precision,2:2><Standard Format,4>'),'=','.')


  • vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,150
    edited 2025-01-23 Answer ✓
    Multiply your amount with 100 and use '<Integer><Sign,1>'
    <Decimals> always includes the decimal separator if any digits are displayed. You could force two digits with <Precision,2:2>

    Another approach was to use <Standard Format,4> as parameter to a call to format within a call to DelChar, deleting the decimal separator (assuming Standard Format 4 for you is the same as listed for US im Microsoft's documentation for the format property (in cside.chm) or wherever they put it in their new documentation on the web).
    DelChar(Format(Amount,0,'<Precision,2:2><Standard Format,4>'),'=','.')
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