A client is on NAV 2018 and we are setting up Data Exchange Definitions for ACH94 for RBC (Canadian) and the amount format must be as follows:
No thousand separator or decimal point and if the cents are zero, it should still show 00
Example : 20,000.00 should be shown as 2000000
Example : 210,150.23 should be shown as 21015023
I tried using Text in the column data type but that fails and leaving it as decimal, creates the export with thousand separators and decimal points, so i tried
<Integer><Decimals><Sign,1> but I the behavior when there are zero cents, causes the 00 to drop :
20,000.00 shows as 20000 (instead of showing 00 cents)
No idea why the idea is sold to a customer that it is a self service setup..
<Decimals> always includes the decimal separator if any digits are displayed. You could force two digits with <Precision,2:2>
Another approach was to use <Standard Format,4> as parameter to a call to format within a call to DelChar, deleting the decimal separator (assuming Standard Format 4 for you is the same as listed for US im Microsoft's documentation for the format property (in cside.chm) or wherever they put it in their new documentation on the web).