Javascript Error Handling in BC21 control addin (on prem)

pms_jbpms_jb Member Posts: 1

(I accidentally posted this question in Dynamics CRM, maybe here is a better place to get replies.)
i am developing a control addin in BC21 on prem (Version 21.0.46384.46844),
which is running Javascript internally.
My problem is, whenever an error occurs inside the Javascript, like a "TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'c1Height')",
the error is not popping up anywhere, and it is not written to the Javascript console in the Developer Tools of the browser.
I could only detect that an error occured by debugging the Javascript calls.
It appears that there is some "controlAddInError" function in client.js, that handles the error.

Is there any way to configure the app, so that Javascript errors in the control addin are at least written to the console?
I don't want to put try-catch-blocks everywhere.

Best regards,
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