Doubt regarding the autoshceduler Job timing.

kovaidonkovaidon Member Posts: 55
Dear Experts,

i have auto Scheduler Job which is set to trigger and run the job every 10 minutes... Say some times if the job is triggered and start running from 12.30 pm and run continuously for 15 minutes straight, due to heavy data.

Now comes my doubt, since we have set the trigger the job every 10 minutes. but job which we runned before took execution's time of 15 minutes.. how the auto ascheduler in NAV is handled at this case. Could any one give me clarity?

What i mean is NAv will automatically have to trigger at 12.40 Pm as per setting in scheduler, since pervious excusion is still onn, How NAV handle in this case ???

Could any one help me out??!!


  • vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,139
    BC re-schedules jobs by applying "No. of Minutes between Runs" to CurrentDateTime, not to the last time the job got started, nor to the time the joob should have been started.

    So it does exactly what the name of the field implies (but not what one typically would expect).
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