Hi All,
While receiving transfer order I'm getting the below error. The transfer order is successfully shipped. But on receiving the below error pop up:-
"Completely invoiced must be 'yes' in item ledger entries: entry no:****. Current value is no"
Also every time I try to post the error show a different item ledger entry no. And all the other transfer order are being received successfully. Kindly give suggestion to solve this.
And do you have any Call Stack from the error message to detect if this is an out-of-box error, or if it's a custom error?
D365 Business Central Solutions Architect
BC AL/NAV C/AL Developer
BC Repositories.com
AL call stack:
"Item Journal Line"(Table 83).InitRevalJnlLine line 10 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Item Journal Line"(Table 83)."Applies-to Entry - OnValidate"(Trigger) line 23 - Base Application by Microsoft
"GST Transfer Order Receipt"(CodeUnit 18390).PostRevaluationEntryunrealizedProfit line 81 - India GST by Microsoft
"GST Transfer Order Receipt"(CodeUnit 18390).InsertTransferBuffer line 5 - India GST by Microsoft
"TransferOrder-Post Receipt"(CodeUnit 5705).OnAfterTransRcptLineModify(Event) line 2 - Base Application by Microsoft
"TransferOrder-Post Receipt"(CodeUnit 5705).InsertTransRcptLine line 38 - Base Application by Microsoft
"TransferOrder-Post Receipt"(CodeUnit 5705).OnRun(Trigger) line 101 - Base Application by Microsoft
"TransferOrder-Post (Yes/No)"(CodeUnit 5706).Code line 53 - Base Application by Microsoft
"TransferOrder-Post (Yes/No)"(CodeUnit 5706).OnRun(Trigger) line 3 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Transfer Order"(Page 5740)."Post - OnAction"(Trigger) line 2 - Base Application by Microsoft
D365 Business Central Solutions Architect
BC AL/NAV C/AL Developer
BC Repositories.com