Navision Purchase Order

wswaiwswai Member Posts: 11

I facing a problem where when the item no is not in the vendor item list, the user can enter the item no either manually or drill in to the vendor item list, but the user cannot enter the item no. that is not shown in the vendor item list.

My problem here is, the user can enter the any item no. into the purchase line which is not suppose to be. The user can only enter the item no. that is shown in the vendor item list only.

So can anyone pls help me on it. Urgent !!


  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    Has there been any customisation? This does not sound like standard navision behaviour.
  • JKJK Member Posts: 21
    Yes, i have to admit, thats not a standard solution, there has to be a modification. But i think thats a standard problem, customer asks to do modification and afterwards dosent like it at all .. :evil:
  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    :D Thats why we do only add-on's, no customisations 8)
  • Dr_mjhDr_mjh Member Posts: 203
    Hi there:

    Actually it is quite nature for this to happen in standard Navision -the part of being able to put any item in the purchase order window- but if you made customization to allow putting only the items in the vendor item catalog this is something I don't know about.

    Best Wishes
  • Michael_SchumacherMichael_Schumacher Member Posts: 81
    wswai wrote:
    The user can only enter the item no. that is shown in the vendor item list only.
    You said they can drill down into the vendor item list.
    Then they should be able to open one of them in card form, press F3 and insert a missing one in the vendor item list, close the card and choose the new from list. voilá!
    try it out!
    Michael Schumacher

    oh, what day is it? Backup day. OK, let's dump all data to /dev/nul ;-)
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