Please, help me. I need information on the sales invoice regarding quantity, price, etc., but in the report, I want to see the price at which the item was purchased, the currency used, and the purchase date.
How can I track this or combine sales invoice and purchase invoice?
As an alternative, you can use item tracking. Assing a lot on receipt and record the lot again on shipment. Or you can use Costing Methode ::Specific to establish a link.
If you used any transfers between locations between purchase and sales, anything that relies on Item Application Entry migth get cumbersome very fast.
I do not understand how to complete this chain here and go to the purchase invoice
if you help, I will be grateful
FROM [Training$Sales Invoice Header$437] AS sih
LEFT JOIN [Training$Sales Invoice Line$437] AS sil ON sil.[Document No_] = sih.[No_]
JOIN [Training$Value Entry$437] AS ve ON ve.[Document No_] = sih.[No_] AND sil.[Line No_] = ve.[Document Line No_]
JOIN [dbo].[Training$Item Ledger Entry$437] AS ile ON ve.[Item Ledger Entry No_] = ile.[Entry No_]
WHERE ve.[Source Code] != 'INVTADJMT'