I am looking for a link that would enable me to locate the Sales Invoice Line record that generated a value entry.
The document number on the Value Entry is not a reliable link because the same number could appear on different documents.
The Value Entry number is not saved on the Sales Line as I would expect, either.
Any ideas?
The problem is that I have added some new fields on the Sales Lines table that get propagated during posting to the Posted Shipment/invoice/cr.memo/Return Rcpt. These new fields must be shown on the report I want to create.
One way to do the report would be to go through the above posted documents. Going through the Item Ledger and Value Entry table however would be easier because one would go through all entries of the same item in one go. Furthermore, this approach would give a more complete picture in terms of all quantity and values.
Item Ledger Entry Type - Sale
Source Type - Customer
Source No - (Customer no)
Document No.
Posting Date.
I agree, this is the best way to go.
If you do this, please note that value entries are created at more than one place in Navision, unlike the normal entries.