page 60000 "Sales Order Inserts MIM API" { PageType = API; SourceTable = "Sales Order Inserts MIM"; Caption = 'Sales Order Inserts MIM API'; EntitySetName = 'SalesOrderInserts'; EntityName = 'SalesOrderInsert'; APIPublisher = 'Kuhicop'; APIGroup = 'Kuhicop'; DelayedInsert = true; APIVersion = 'v1.0'; layout { area(content) { repeater(Group) { field("BatchID"; Rec."Batch ID") { ApplicationArea = All; } } } } }
{ "@odata.context": "{{TENANT_ID}}/{{ENVIRONMENT}}/api/Kuhicop/Kuhicop/v1.0/$metadata#companies({{COMPANY_ID}})/SalesOrderInserts", "value": [ { "@odata.etag": "W/\"JzIwOzE1ODc4NzU5MDIzMDQyNDQyNTI1MTswMDsn\"", "BatchID": "BATCH001" }, { "@odata.etag": "W/\"JzE5OzI3MTk3MjU4MTE5MDAwNDI1NTAxOzAwOyc=\"", "BatchID": "BATCH002" }, { "@odata.etag": "W/\"JzE5OzgwMDc0MzY2NzQ0NjcxOTQxOTExOzAwOyc=\"", "BatchID": "BATCH003" } ] }
{ "value": [ { "BatchID": "BATCH004" }, { "BatchID": "BATCH005" } ] }
{ "error": { "code": "BadRequest", "message": "The property 'value' does not exist on type 'Microsoft.NAV.salesOrderInsert'. Make sure to only use property names that are defined by the type. CorrelationId: a10912cb-7f47-4f38-b0a0-43f5dd595e3a." } }