BC Version 24 - specific error message concerning transfer orders + item tracking - SoLVED

spots-bssspots-bss Member Posts: 6
edited 2024-07-24 in NAV Three Tier
Hello everybody,

One of my important users just switched to BC 24 and was working fine with it – until today.

We can not find the problem, but maybe you have an idea what this could be… funny wise this problem shows up only with
some of the items. Not all of them! But there are no differences in the “setup” at all.

BC Version 24 (latest version) – GERMANY – pure „standard” at customer site. No specific programming in transfer order, etc.

Process very simple: transfer order – location code outgoing with logistic part – location code incoming only bin code mandatory.

Items have tracking lines (lot and serial no. – that means: each item has both!)

Posting of warehouse shipment: no problems at all. Lines and Item tracking lines look perfectly correct.

Checking the item tracking lines also: perfectly correct in the transfer order (outgoing and incoming)

Posting the transfer order – this error message shows up.

Here are the details:

If requesting support, please provide the following details to help troubleshooting:

Error message:
Qty. to Handle (Base) in the item tracking assigned to the document line for item KIT-VICTO-37 is currently 3. It must be 2.

Check the assignment for serial number 00000286, lot number 061615, package number .

Internal session ID:

Application Insights session ID:

Client activity id:

Time stamp on error:

User telemetry id:

AL call stack:
"Tracking Specification"(Table 336).TestFieldError line 12 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Item Jnl.-Post Line"(CodeUnit 22).SetupSplitJnlLine line 73 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Item Jnl.-Post Line"(CodeUnit 22).PostSplitJnlLine line 4 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Item Jnl.-Post Line"(CodeUnit 22).RunWithCheck line 16 - Base Application by Microsoft
"TransferOrder-Post Receipt"(CodeUnit 5705).PostItemJnlLine line 57 - Base Application by Microsoft
"TransferOrder-Post Receipt"(CodeUnit 5705).InsertTransRcptLine line 19 - Base Application by Microsoft
"TransferOrder-Post Receipt"(CodeUnit 5705).RunWithCheck line 106 - Base Application by Microsoft
"TransferOrder-Post Receipt"(CodeUnit 5705).OnRun(Trigger) line 9 - Base Application by Microsoft
"TransferOrder-Post (Yes/No)"(CodeUnit 5706).PostTransferOrder line 16 - Base Application by Microsoft
"TransferOrder-Post (Yes/No)"(CodeUnit 5706).Code line 19 - Base Application by Microsoft
"TransferOrder-Post (Yes/No)"(CodeUnit 5706).OnRun(Trigger) line 3 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Transfer Order"(Page 5740)."Post - OnAction"(Trigger) line 2 - Base Application by Microsoft

Can anybody gives us a "hint" what this could be?

Thanks a lot in advance!

Kind regards

Oslostr. 2
44269 Dortmund


  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    [Topic moved from 'General Chat' forum to 'NAV Three Tier' forum]

    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • spots-bssspots-bss Member Posts: 6
    Meanwhile solved... hope. none of you have this problem anyhow... if yes, don't hesitate to contact us directly.
    Oslostr. 2
    44269 Dortmund
  • lubostlubost Member Posts: 631
    Can you tell us, please, about the reason and solution of discussed problem to help us. Thanks
  • mohamedsherifmohamedsherif Member Posts: 1
    pls, can you help me to solve the same issue?
  • NashcoNashco Member Posts: 2
    Hi All, Does anyone have the solution here? I'm getting this issue and I am unable to resolve it. Thanks
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