How to find out the field is set to "editable=no"

itspeteritspeter Member Posts: 105

How do I find out the field in a table is set to "editable=no" by using C/AL code?

Peter Ng


  • JedrzejTJedrzejT Member Posts: 267


    IF Record.FIELDACTIVE(Record.Field)=FALSE THEN
    MESSAGE('This field enabled=false')


    FOR Counter:=1 TO recref.FIELDCOUNT DO BEGIN
    IF recref.FIELDEXIST(Counter) THEN BEGIN
    IF fldref.ACTIVE THEN
    MESSAGE('This field enabled=true %1',fldref.NUMBER)
    MESSAGE('This field enabled=false %1',fldref.NUMBER)

    This code is not tested, i think it works

  • SteveOSteveO Member Posts: 164
    Enabled and editable are not the same thing.
    Enabled dictates whether or not the field is actually allowed to be used at all (in effect it dictates that this field should be ignored completely).

    I don't think you can tell whether or not a field is editable through C/AL code
    but you can determine whether or not a control on a form is editable by using
    [OK] := CurrForm.<Control Name>.EDITABLE([TRUE|FALSE]);
    If you leave out the parameters then it returns the current status.
    This isn't a signature, I type this at the bottom of every message
  • JedrzejTJedrzejT Member Posts: 267
    Sorry.. in messagebox I insert wrong text, but function should work fine

    Description from help:

    FIELDACTIVE (Record)
    Use this function to check whether a field is enabled or not.

    ACTIVE (FieldRef)
    Use this function to check whether the field that is currently selected is enabled or not.

    Both function is use to check is field ENABLED (not EDITABLE)
  • JedrzejTJedrzejT Member Posts: 267
    eh.. :oops: I mistake second time.. forgot about my posts
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