[...] IF NOT ItemAnalysisView2.ISEMPTY THEN BEGIN ItemAnalysisView2.LOCKTABLE; ItemAnalysisView2.FINDSET(TRUE, TRUE); [...] END;
ItemAnalysisView2.SETRANGE(Blocked, FALSE); IF DirectlyFromPosting THEN ItemAnalysisView2.SETRANGE("Update on Posting", TRUE); IF ItemAnalysisView2.ISEMPTY THEN EXIT; InitLastEntryNo; IF DirectlyFromPosting THEN BEGIN ItemAnalysisView2.SETFILTER("Last Entry No.", '<%1', LastValueEntryNo); IF ItemAnalysisView2.ISEMPTY THEN BEGIN ItemAnalysisView2.SETRANGE("Last Entry No."); ItemAnalysisView2.SETFILTER("Last Service Entry No.", '<%1', LastServLedgEntryNoG); END; END; IF NOT ItemAnalysisView2.ISEMPTY THEN BEGIN ItemAnalysisView2.LOCKTABLE; ItemAnalysisView2.FINDSET(TRUE, TRUE); REPEAT UpdateOne(ItemAnalysisView2, Which, ItemAnalysisView2."Last Entry No." < LastValueEntryNo - 1000); UNTIL ItemAnalysisView2.NEXT = 0; END;
I'm not sure that this is the problem, but for now I have just that idea... let's try
If it does, and the issue is repeatable, this is a case for Microsoft support.
If the issue is not repeatable, then most likely you have a race condition:
As a workaround just delete the