I've installed all, I've configured and import with the Configuration Tool...
Last step, when start the Demand Planner itself, I don't know wich username/password I have to use the first time. I have tried with Windows and SQL user but it doesn't work ... ](*,)
Try to search the keyword Demand Planner
I've installed all, I've configured and import with the Configuration Tool...
Last step, when start the Demand Planner itself, I don't know wich username/password I have to use the first time. I have tried with Windows and SQL user but it doesn't work ... ](*,)
Thx for help !!!
It is hard to find information/discussion on Demand Planner for Navision. I have a lot of question on it, waiting for suggestion.
Hope there will be more people work on Navision Demand Planner, and share knowledge.
The only small remaining thing now is simply to understand this tool :whistle: