Server License Expired even though License is not expired

MkublbockMkublbock Member Posts: 4
Hey there!

On of our systems we have multiple NAV Versions installed. When trying to open the DEV Env. for 2013 we get a warning saying "Your program license has expired". The unusual thing is that the Dev. Env. doesn't open at all, just the warning and then it's gone. We uploaded the license manually via the AdminTool Powershell but it still doesn't work.

When downloading and installing a fresh 2013 the same error occurrs. Anyone facing the same problem? We think that the license cannot be the problem, but we think it's likely that some recent Windows Update may cause this error.


  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 925
    The NAV 2013 Cronus.flf license in the program files folder expired on 31 July 2022, you have to replace that with a NAV 2015 Cronus.flf.
    Kai Kowalewski
  • MkublbockMkublbock Member Posts: 4
    Thank you so much for your help, this was the exact problem :)
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