{ "properties": { "cmis:creationDate": { "cardinality": "single", "id": "cmis:creationDate", "type": "datetime", "value": 1673529791000 }, "cmis:name": { "cardinality": "single", "id": "cmis:name", "type": "string", "value": "" }, "cmis:objectId": { "cardinality": "single", "id": "cmis:objectId", "type": "id", "value": "T000007158" } } }
[ "cmis:creationDate", "cmis:name", "cmis:objectId" ]
properties.*.id properties[[id]] $..id
var Jsobj: JsonObject; JsToken: JsonToken; JsText: Text; keys: List of [Text]; ---------------------- Jsobj.ReadFrom(JsText); Jsobj.Get('properties', JsToken); Jsobj := JsToken.AsObject(); keys := Jsobj.Keys;
This one
is totally bad and results in
These two
Result in the error
DE: Die dem JSON-Pfad „$..id“ entsprechenden Token enthalten mehr als ein Element.
EN: The tokens corresponding to the JSON path "$..id" contain more than one element.
Any suggestions?
You could use somethinglike this to get the properties and the rest of values, with JSON data in the variable JsText:
In the var keys you have all the keys and could loop throught them to get the values that you need.
you're the best
Thanks a lot!