Login status does not work correctly

vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,150
Something is off with my login status. Right now, I am logged in when I am on page 2 and higher on "Recent Discussions" but not if I am on the first page with URL https://forum.mibuso.com/discussions. I see, however, the same content using the manually entered URL https://forum.mibuso.com/discussions/p1 , but with this URL I am logged in.

Similar funky behavior has been going on for some time now. In the past the behavior has been off in different ways, e.g. logged in on the overviews, but logged off in any thread.

Using Google Chrome.


  • vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,150
    Is it only me that suffers from this condition? Why does it not get addressed / fixed?
  • AluanAluan Member Posts: 164
    Hello vaprog,
    i have the same problem. I think it did work somehwere in the past, but stopped a while back.

    Tried it with Chrome and Edge.
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