Hi friends... I have a doubt about SumIndexField in a Table Key....
I tried to find it on internet but I can't, so I hope one of you can clarify my doubt...
I have one table (
Table A) with many keys with diferent fields... and many of them have specified the same field as SumIndexField (
Field "Total Importe producción" a.k.a Total Production Amount)... that is why we need to Totalize this field applying different filters in many places of the program:

In other table (
Table B) I have a CalcField that totalize our field
Field "Total Importe producción" from the Table A... applying different filters.

My doubt is... how I know the program is applying the optimal Key from the Table A? is it a dogma of faith? Does exist any way to specify mannually the key from "Table A" I want to use to my CALCFIELD?
The thing is I consider it takes long time to calculate the information I want... I know my table is a big one with thousands of registters... but I have the feeling that it is not applying the right key... (just my impression)
Thank you
In older versions, you had to have a key in table A that both included all the fields for applied filters plus the desired SumIndexField. Neither of these is a requirement in newer versions. But can still help performance.
It will use the first key that supports the applied filters and the SumIndexField.