Serial Port Communication

voglerfvoglerf Member Posts: 6
Hi Folks,

I have a real big problem. I used NFCOMM which I downloaded from mibuso. My problem ist that my Client 3.70B crashes if I try to open a Port.

First I did all the settings I knew like Baud Rate, Stop Bits ...
But the Client crashes.

I have to get some values from a weighing machine which is connected to the PC via serial port.

But I couldn't find a working automation or OCX control to fullfill this task.

Does anyone has experience with serial port communication and navision? I would be very thankfull if you could post some code or a www link where I can find this more information.

Today and tomorrow I have the oppertunity to test the code directly with the weighing machine. So it would be perfect if somebody can help me out.

Thanks a lot
Frank Vogler / Stuttgart


  • itspeteritspeter Member Posts: 105
    You can try out "Microsoft Communications Control, version 6.0", it's mscomm32.ocx.
    IF NOT MsComm.PortOpen THEN //if Commport is not open
      MsComm.EOFEnable := TRUE;
      MsComm.InputMode := 0;
      MsComm.PortOpen := TRUE;
    Peter Ng
  • SaalekSaalek Member Posts: 181
    Hi voglerf
    I worked with serial port, comunicating Navision with a Truck weighing machine. To resolve this problem, I created an OCX with Visual Basic , and after I called it from Navision . You have a lot of examples on the Web. I recomend you (Is in spanish, but here you have a lot of VB free code samples).

    I used VB, because I don't know if in Navision exist any system funcion like DOEVENTS. This function, give the control to Windows, until something occurs (in my case, a caracter is arrived to serial port)

  • voglerfvoglerf Member Posts: 6
    Thank's for the hint,
    I inserted this Code and if I try to Compile This error Message pops up:

    This Control or Automation needs a design license but this license is not available.

    The message is freely translated from German so the english version of this error message could be different.

    Do you have a clue how to solve this? What design license does this error message mean? My Navision license or some other kind of license. Navision license is a devellopers license which should include almost everything, but I am not sure.

    Thank's for your fast help.

    Now I Check out the spanish page to find some alternatives.

    Greetings from Germany
    Frank Vogler
  • Michael_SchumacherMichael_Schumacher Member Posts: 81
    voglerf wrote:
    This Control or Automation needs a design license but this license is not available.

    Hi Frank,

    This Message is from the control itself
    I got a similar message as I tried to program with the spreadsheet ocx in VB.
    In this case you have to find óut the source for this OCX and try to get a full download version of it. After ypou install this OCX that way this message should be gone....
    Michael Schumacher

    oh, what day is it? Backup day. OK, let's dump all data to /dev/nul ;-)
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    It is because you need to install Visual studio or register Designers license for this control in another way (running batch vb6controls.reg from Visual Studio CD). If you have only this library without the Visual Studio, you are not able to use them for designing...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • voglerfvoglerf Member Posts: 6
    Thank's a lot. But I can't get this license because I don't think that our customer will buy a VB6 license just to get the communication between the weighing machine and navision running. So I have to find something else. If you have some other ideas please post. I can't get on the spanish page posted by Saalek because it is not reachable.

    best regards
    Frank Vogler
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    No, you do not understand. You need this license only if you want to add the automation to the object. If you add it there, you do not need this licence to use this object. It will be running without the license... You need it only in time of adding the new variable...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • voglerfvoglerf Member Posts: 6
    Thank's Kine,

    I now understand, you will need the license once if you want to compile the object, afterwards the license ist not needed any more.

    My problem is, that I don't own VB6, so it is not possible to get the license legally. I can't use a cracked/stolen version.

    So I can't compile the version. Somebody has another solution without the need of a license at compile time?

    I just returned to office and I am facing this stuff the 99999st time and can't find a solution ](*,) . I know it's going to be a few lines of code, but I just can't find them.

    Frank V.
  • ta5ta5 Member Posts: 1,164
    Hi Frank
    You can try this ... xmcomm.htm

    Some time a go, I also found a program named cheapcomm on the internet, be the download links seems to be broken.
    Hope this helps
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