Please see this below question (it is lengthy, that's why posted below)

General Journal, Payment Journal, Cash Receipt Journal, Recurring journal both having "Gen.Journal Line" as table, can anyone explain in theory way what's the difference between it. & Technical, if possible, please.


  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,305
    With all of the 'things' that you can do in BC, it is essentially an integrated accounting system. As such, every transaction that has any financial implication is posted into the General Ledger (GL). The ONLY way you should ever put records into the GL is to first create a General Journal, and then send that into the posting routine. A Payment Journal Line is nothing more than a General Journal Line with particular fields populated to reflect the fact that it covers a payment.

    Technically, you could manually create a payment journal for instance into the General Journal and post it, in order to accurately account for the payment. However, to make things easier for the accounting department, and because doing the payment journal is a specialized task that can be assigned to a particular role, this gets a special version of the General Journal page, with actions to go with accounting for the payment journal. For instance, you'll see a 'suggest vendor payment' function on the payment journal that you don't see on the General Journal.

    Same goes for all the other journals.

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