C/Front instalation and licence file

MarcelWMarcelW Member Posts: 46

i need c/front for an Navision - Visio Integration.
However, when Vision tries to connect the database over C/Front
the following message appears:

"Your programm licence do not allow to set up more than one client..."

In which folder do i have to copy the licence file?



  • JopjeJopje Member Posts: 50
    Hello MarcelW,

    You can change license_file under Tools > License Information

    If that is what you need. You can change, export and import one, so it can be on any location you want on the pc..
    Remco de Jong
    Bachelor of Business Administration and Information Technology
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  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    The standard folder for the license file is the folder that has the Navision executables in it, so where you find the fin.exe and finsql.exe files. Copy your license into that folder and call it fin.flf, and your Navision client should pick up that license by default when it starts.
  • MarcelWMarcelW Member Posts: 46

    I do not use any Navision Client where i can find a fin.exe.
    I have C/Front installed and do not have any executables
    but sample.exe.
    Note: I do not have any experience with c/front so i wonder where
    to find tools>license for c/front.

    but thanx u both
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    you need to use LoadLicenseFile function of the C/Front or try to place the fin.flf into folder where the C/Front is installed...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
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