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Mark Brummel wrote: You can add a boolean field to the table. When you create your temp table you set the value to TRUE
tmpRecord.FILTERGROUP(6); tmpRecord.SETRANGE("Some Field","Some Value"); tmpRecord.FILTERGROUP(0); FORM.RUNMODAL(FORM::XYZ,tmpRecord)
tmpRecord.FILTERGROUP(6); blnTempTable := (tmpRecord.GETFILTER("Some Field") <> ''); tmpRecord.SETRANGE("Some Field"); //clear the filter tmpRecord.FILTERGROUP(0);
Thank you, it's a practical answer to this problem. However I'm concluding, that's impossible to find out, if a table is temporary.
If you insert a record in REC (maybe using blank keyfields or whatever) then you can check for this record in a global variable of the same type. If it exists then it is non-temporary.
this probably can be used to determine if the table is temporary
In the OnOpenForm-trigger you put:
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