Report language

weneedweneed Member Posts: 82
I have a code unit running on scheduled JOB QUEQUE that execute a report saving PDF in a folder.
Works but there is a strage problem: report language was printed in English and not in Italian that was language selected in RTC client.
Why? There is a way to select different language?


  • SanderDkSanderDk Member Posts: 502
    On the service that is running your NAS/Task scheduler you can set the services Language, it is by default en-US.

    For help, do not use PM, use forum instead, perhaps other people have the same question, or better answers.
  • weneedweneed Member Posts: 82
    Done but nothing. Now I want try setting GLOBALLANGUAGE in code unit
  • SanderDkSanderDk Member Posts: 502
    Have you restarted your service?
    For help, do not use PM, use forum instead, perhaps other people have the same question, or better answers.
  • vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,146
    The Job Queue Entry actually has a field named Language ID (Field No. 44) which is set to the language of the user who creates or modifies the entry. The Report should be run with this language setting.

    Furthermore, you should not change GLOBALLANGUAGE if you can avoid it. In the case of a report, rather use CurrReport.LANGUAGE.
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