How to store file in BLOB field in business central ??

what procedure to add to upload a file of type text??


  • ExploreExplore Member Posts: 14
    You can store a file in a BLOB field in BC, by following these steps:

    1. Create a table with a BLOB field then open the table in Table Designer.
    - Add a BLOB field to the table, specifying an appropriate field name and length to store the file.

    2. Create a page to upload the file by opening Page Designer.
    - Add fields to the page to capture relevant information (e.g. file name, description).
    - Add a File field to the page to handle the file upload.

    3. Write code to handle the file upload:
    - In the Page Designer, open page.
    - Create a new function or modify an existing function to handle the file upload logic.
    - Use the FileManagement codeunit to handle the file upload and store the file in the BLOB field.
    PROCEDURE UploadFile(VAR File: BLOB; FileName: Text[100])
        FileManagement: Codeunit 419;
        FileStream: InStream;
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