We have a client on BC 21 - 2022 release wave 2 on prem, with a UAT database and a Production database. Recently we created a new instance and forgot to disable designer, and a user added a field to a page in designer. When we noticed it, we uninstalled, unpublished, and disabled designer. We now have a situation where we want to import a new company from the UAT to Production, and that extension is causing an error. It is not listed under extensions, nor under Get-NAVAppInfo.
After much research which yielded few results I scratched around in SQL and found the extension in $ndo$navappschematracking. Unlike the other extension which have been unpublished, that one still has a value in
appstructuredtablesmetadatahash as well as
packageid. It does appear in the
$ndo$navappuninstalledapp as unpublished.
For whatever reason, it appears the unpublish was not properly recorded. Does anyone know of a way to get past this? Failing any good advice I am going to test modifying the $ndo$navappschematracking record and make it appear similar to the other unpublished extensions.

Regards - Noeline
Failing that, I had luck in the past forcibly removing the entries from navappuninstalledapp table through SQL when it was not possible to run the Sync-NavApp which allowed importing of companies
Thank you for the tip. I did not try the -Mode Clean, but will try it tonight.