Can you say me if it is possible to change de report format ( A5 -> A4 ) and the paper orientation ( Portrait -> Landscape ) in the report depending on the user who will print it or have I to duplicate my report and so do my modifications in two reports.
Another problem, I have an error who comes often but randoms, I have not a procedure to reproduce this. The error is the following :
Le ShortCutKey ne peut être Echap
Tapez une combinaison de touches valides comme CTRL+F5
I have already export all my forms to a text file to check if there is an ECHAP into this code, but I found nothing.
Thanks a lot for your help.
U can experiment with Printer Selection. Dont give any default size n orientation on the report properties and in the printer properties (in report selection), select the default size and orientation. this is a crude method but works because u can load more than one instance of printer driver and use it for special purpose like this.
Because I do not understand this text, I can only foretell, what does it mean, but for me it seems like error about the nonexistent shortcut - it is when you are in one language in some place (for example in designer) and you change the language. After that if you try to close the designer, this error is reised.
It is bug... if it is this situation...
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Maybe you need to search for escape in the textfile?