Passing field from Production Journal to ILE - Onbefore or OnAFter trigger

samantha73samantha73 Member Posts: 106
Hi All
I want to pass a field (new field) from the production journal output line to item ledger entry table. I found a codeunit in base app(Production Journal Mgt.) where I can use one of the below integration events:

However I'm not sure whether using one is better than the other. In what scenarios would you use OnAfter vs OnBefore?

Best Answer

  • Developer101Developer101 Member Posts: 563
    Answer ✓
    I think this should be easy one

    OnBeforeInsertOutputJnlLine(ItemJnlLine, ProdOrderRtngLine, ProdOrderLine);

    I would use OnBeforeInsertOutputJnlLine if I still need to assign a value to a field in the Item Journal Line before ItemJnlLine.Insert is called.

    I would use OnAfterInsertOutputJnlLine when all the values been assigned to Item Journal Line and Insert has been called.

    Looking at your scenario, you might have to use OnBeforeInsertOutputJnlLine
    United Kingdom


  • Developer101Developer101 Member Posts: 563
    Answer ✓
    I think this should be easy one

    OnBeforeInsertOutputJnlLine(ItemJnlLine, ProdOrderRtngLine, ProdOrderLine);

    I would use OnBeforeInsertOutputJnlLine if I still need to assign a value to a field in the Item Journal Line before ItemJnlLine.Insert is called.

    I would use OnAfterInsertOutputJnlLine when all the values been assigned to Item Journal Line and Insert has been called.

    Looking at your scenario, you might have to use OnBeforeInsertOutputJnlLine
    United Kingdom
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