Business Central Scroll bar issue while accesssing in mobile browser

kk123kk123 Member Posts: 10
Hi All,
I created a list page in Business Central 18 On-premises. when I access that page in a mobile browser, Left&Right swipe not working. But if I open any default list pages swipe is working fine.
Noticed the difference between the default page Vs customized page. In customized page horizontal scroll bar is not showing fully. May be because of that I am facing the swiping issue. Any IDEA how to fit the page as per screen?

Thanks & Regards,


  • kk123kk123 Member Posts: 10
    This is the code:

    page 50009 "InProcess DC List"
    ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
    Caption = 'InProcess DC List';
    CardPageId = "InProcess DC";
    Editable = false;
    PageType = List;
    QueryCategory = 'InProcess DC';
    RefreshOnActivate = true;
    SourceTable = "DC Header";
    SourceTableView = WHERE(Posted = CONST(true), "Sent for Approval" = CONST(false));
    UsageCategory = Lists;
    field("Delivery Date"; Rec."Delivery Date")
    ApplicationArea = all;
    field("Document No."; Rec."Document No.")
    ApplicationArea = all;
    field("Area Name"; Rec."Area Name")
    ApplicationArea = all;
    field("Total Orders"; Rec."Total Orders")
    ApplicationArea = all;
    field("Delivery person"; Rec."Delivery person")
    ApplicationArea = all;
    field("Vehicle No."; Rec."Vehicle No.")
    ApplicationArea = all;
    field("Driver Name"; Rec."Driver Name")
    ApplicationArea = all;
    Caption = '&DC';
    Caption = '&Card';
    RunObject = Page "InProcess DC";
    RunPageLink = "Document No." = FIELD("Document No.");
    ShortCutKey = 'Shift+F5';
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