
Issue and solution for Import Excel to Cloud BC Table

fazlehasanfazlehasan Member Posts: 62
I was trying to import some records to a Cloud BC table from Excel.

I could not use these following Methods in Cloud BC, which was good for on-premises BC.
This is due to the scope of the methods (onPremise vs Cloud).

ServerFileName := FileMgt.UploadFile(WindowTitle : Text[50];ClientFileName : Text);

SheetName := ExcelBuf.SelectSheetsName(ServerFileName);


Instead I had to use different methods for Cloud:

ServerFileName := FileMgt.BLOBImportWithFilter(var TempBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob"; DialogCaption: Text; Name: Text; FileFilter: Text; ExtFilter: Text);

FileStrm := TempBlob.CreateInStream();

SheetName := ExcelBuf.SelectSheetsNameStream(FileStrm);

ExcelBuf.OpenBookStream(FileStrm, SheetName);
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